Green Eggs and Sam
I do not like this Uncle Sam, I do not like this health care scam;
I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books;
I do not like when congress steals, I do not like these secret deals;
I do not like this speaker Nan, I do not like this 'Yes, we can';
I do not like this spending spree, I'm smart, I know that's nothing's free;
I do not like your smug replies when I complain about your lies;
I do not like this kind of hope, I do not like it - nope, nope, NOPE!
I do not like this socialist plan, I do not like it Uncle Sam!
Pretty clever. Kudos to some blogger somewhere.
Okay, now on to other things. Reconnected with an old friend, well, she's not old, but - well - you know what I mean. She found me through searching for my daughter through a you tube video she made for college through another old friend, who also isn't old. My point - wow. What happened to privacy?!!! While it was super nice and fun to chat with her again and catch up - I do find it somewhat, um, freaky that we can google anyone and in less than 6 degrees of separation via the web, we can find them. And I was scared of Facebook . . .
Another sunny day!!! Yeah fall! The one great season here. The leaves are turning, the air is crisp, the squash are ripe and - the fleets of mosquitoes are out in full force. Yesterday my children were out playing football, with two piles of leaves on either side for the end zones so they could fly in the air and land on them - you know - just like the NFL - and they come inside itching like mad with welts all over their bodies! Now, I'm thinking to myself - come inside!!! It can NOT be that fun! So, now I have to ban them from yard play from about 4pm onward. (Can you say - West Nile?) That or, cover them head to toe in combat fatigues. It's so bad, that we can't have a light on INSIDE the house near the door, or they invade by the trillions when you enter. Trust me, I do know what I'm talking about. Oh, well, it's not Eden here - so we have to take the good with the bad. And the next bad is box-elder bugs and attic flies. Oh joy.
What's also a joy and yet really eerie is the howling of the pack of coyotes we hear every night. There must be about 20 of them. It's beautiful and scary at the same time. Gary actually saw one of them on the way to work the other morning, so they are close. And big. Like Doberman pincher big or something. It seems we hear them every year around this time. Their cries are so sad and mournful sounding. You have to wonder why they do that.
Oh well, have a great weekend and don't forget to light your citronella candles!
jill and all