Saturday, May 14, 2011

Shameless plug . . . 

Anyone needing a student loan for college or CollegePlus!??  
With one of THE lowest interest rates in the nation - Student Loan Finance Corp is offering PRIVATE student loans ( read - not connected with the federal government)  - to anyone needing to help pay for school.   Check it out if you or your children need some extra cash to pay for that dreaded Algebra class or for that tasty meal plan at whatever university you are attending or plan to attend.    It's super quick and easy.  Tell your friends!!  
-- I wonder if I get a commission for free advertising . . .  

Ok - now on to the news of the day - and/or week.  We are in full-fledged dance recital mode.  Whew!!!  2 days of dress rehersals and 3 performances.  It's quite the cultural event in our little town, and heaps of fun.  From the feisty four-year olds dressing in their bright red polka-dot tutus twirling round and round to 60 year old ladies clogging to a 70's disco tune  -- and everything in between.  It's total chaos with over 500 dancers and yet it's run like a well-tuned clock.  It's amazing and wonderful.   You'd think we'd get sick of seeing the same production every day for 5 days, but I never do.  Yes, I have a small vested interest since not only did India teach or assist with a dozen dances, she will actually be dancing in a few (yeah) and Ezra and Judah will be tapping to 'Kung Fu Fighting' - so for me - it truly never gets old.   And yes, we'll be trying to get these contagious tunes out of our heads for the next month. 
 How many times can you hum 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' before you   go  completely   insane???!!

Do you ever get in a rut with your food choices?  We do.  For a while, it was pasta.  Spaghetti one day, pasta primavera the next, and macaroni or penne after that.  Then we went to cereal.  Cereal for lunch, cereal for supper and cereal for a snack.  You can only do that for so many days in a row before you start dreaming about soggy rice crispies, let me tell you.  Just recently, we switched to nachos.  We've had nachos every other day for two weeks now, and I can honestly say, if I see another tortilla chip anywhere near a pot of beans and rice - I think I'll run out of the house screaming at the top of my lungs!!!  (not that that would be anything out of the ordinary - but that's another story)  Anyway - we need help.  If anyone has any ideas of the next food rut we should try - please feel free to post.  Just make sure it's actually edible - not like monkey brains or anything - okay?   Much appreciated.  
And get those chips out of my sight!   :)



  1. The dance festival sounds like great fun! I have three kiddos that would love dance, but options here are pretty limited and what's available doesn't really fit our budget or our family vision. sigh. India should move to Delaware and open a dance studio!
    I'm coming up blank on food rut ideas...hmmm, maybe hummus and pita bread? Maybe not for you, but I think I might have found my new food rut...yum!

  2. We had a cheesecake fad. I know your vegitarians but cheesecake doesn't have any meat. :)
